Wednesday, August 23, 2006

War on obesity

We, the bellies of the United States of America, need to combat our population's obesity. I propose that we invent a small, taste-rewarding food that expands twice its size in our stomaches when consumed before water (the reactor). The size expansion could be attributed to the creation of air pockets, like bread when it rises, or of a product that reacts similar to helium inflating a balloon, or of something similar to a toy miniature grow creature. Not sure what the end-result (no pun intended) would be with all of that air floating around, but we need to jump on this.


Anonymous said...

Who knew it was that simple...

Anonymous said...

We have such a food. It's called chocolate Malt-O-Meal. The puffed wheat expands when moist. I feed it to ants in areas where you need completely non-toxic pest control. The grains expand and explode their little bellies after they carry inside the hive and share it with their friends!

Just remember, don't cook it before you eat it!

Superficial Plaza Chick said...

Hmmm. Perhaps this is an absurdly horrible idea. Anybody got any better suggestions?

Superficial Plaza Chick said...

I don't subscribe to this idea I presented several months ago (I have other thoughts on this topic), but I think it is interesting to point out that in the Winter 2007 Oxygen Collector's Issue on Fat Loss, it states that "Glucomannan expands up to 60 times its own weight in the gut and helps to suppress appetite." Just in case anyone is interested.